Collecting XSCF Snapshot:

Please login to the XSCF with a user that has platform admin privileges.

To place the snapshot file on a remote system use the following command.

xscf> snapshot -L F -t user_name@remote_host:directory_name where, user_name is the user that has access to the remote system, remote_host is the remote system where the snapshot file will be copied to and directory_name is the full pathname of the directory on the remote host.

Example of running snapshot to a remote host:
XSCF> snapshot -L F -t <username>@<hostname or IP address>:<location to write to>
XSCF> snapshot -L F -t joe@jupiter.west:/home/joe/logs/x

NOTE: After collecting the snapshot, please rename it to include the SR number.

For example,

Example of running snapshot to a USB device:

XSCF> snapshot -L F -d usb0 -r
Note: The -r flag will remove all files from the USB device.