M-SERIES (XSCF) Command Line Guide

July 21, 2010 in Sun Hardware
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Hi, sorry if this post is not easy to read, I just copy-paste from my notes:-). Enjoy it..

The Sun SPARC® Enterprise M-series server line is the newest addition to Sun Microsystem’s mid-range (M4000/M5000) and high-end server (M8000/M9000) families. Designed for the enterprise- class datacenter, all members of the server line offer a great deal of configuration flexibility in addition to high performance and reliability.

#. >>switch the prompt from domain console to XSCF console

XSCF>console -d 0 >>swith from XSCF console to domain console
XSCF>console -d 0 -f >>swith from XSCF console to domain console with force option
XSCF>reset -d 0 xir >>reset/restart domain 0 console
XSCF>poweroff -d 0 >>power off domain ID 0
XSCF>poweroff -f -d 0 >>forcibly power off domain ID 0

XSCF>poweroff -a >>power off all domain together
XSCF>poweron -a >>power on all domain
XSCF>poweron -d 0 >>power on domain ID 0

XSCF>version -c xcp >>to determine firmware version
XSCF>switchscf -t Standby

XSCF>snapshot -d usb0 >>save/collect log to USB flash disk
XSCF>showlogs power

XSCF> setdomainmode -d 0 -m autoboot=on
XSCF> showdomainmode -d 0
Host-ID : 85289956
Diagnostic Level : min
Secure Mode : on
Autoboot : on
CPU Mode : auto

-showhardconf >>displays information about each FRU
-showstatus >>Displays the information concerning the units failed or degraded
-fmdump >>to display the contents of any log files associated with the Solaris fault manager
-fmadm faulty

Command used for ADDING & REMOVING DOMAIN:


XSCF> set
setaltitude        setdualpowerfeed   setntp             setsnmp
setapcs            setemailreport     setpasswordpolicy  setsnmpusm
setarchiving       sethostname        setpowerupdelay    setsnmpvacm
setaudit           sethttps           setprefetchmode    setssh
setautologout      setldap            setprivileges      setsunmc
setcod             setlocale          setrci             settelnet
setdate            setlocator         setrcic            settimezone
setdcl             setloginlockout    setroute           setupfru
setdomainmode      setlookup          setservicetag      setupplatform
setdomparam        setnameserver      setshutdowndelay   
setdscp            setnetwork         setsmtp            
XSCF> set
setaltitude        setdualpowerfeed   setntp             setsnmp
setapcs            setemailreport     setpasswordpolicy  setsnmpusm
setarchiving       sethostname        setpowerupdelay    setsnmpvacm
setaudit           sethttps           setprefetchmode    setssh
setautologout      setldap            setprivileges      setsunmc
setcod             setlocale          setrci             settelnet
setdate            setlocator         setrcic            settimezone
setdcl             setloginlockout    setroute           setupfru
setdomainmode      setlookup          setservicetag      setupplatform
setdomparam        setnameserver      setshutdowndelay   
setdscp            setnetwork         setsmtp            
Display all 145 possibilities? (y or n)
addboard            setdate             showdomainmode
addcodlicense       setdcl              showdomainstatus
addfru              setdomainmode       showdscp
adduser             setdomparam         showdualpowerfeed
applynetwork        setdscp             showemailreport
cfgdevice           setdualpowerfeed    showenvironment
clockboard          setemailreport      showfru
confdidr            sethostname         showhardconf
console             sethttps            showhostname
deleteboard         setldap             showhttps
deletecodlicense    setlocale           showldap
deletefru           setlocator          showlocale
deleteuser          setloginlockout     showlocator
disablemodes        setlookup           showloginlockout
disableuser         setnameserver       showlogs
dumpconfig          setnetwork          showlookup
enableescalation    setntp              showmodes
enableservice       setpasswordpolicy   showmonitorlog
enableuser          setpowerupdelay     shownameserver
escalation          setprefetchmode     shownetwork
exit                setprivileges       shownotice
flashupdate         setrci              showntp
fmadm               setrcic             showpasswordpolicy
fmdump              setroute            showpowerupdelay
fmstat              setservicetag       showprefetchmode
getflashimage       setshutdowndelay    showresult
ioxadm              setsmtp             showroute
man                 setsnmp             showservicetag
moveboard           setsnmpusm          showshutdowndelay
nslookup            setsnmpvacm         showsmtp
password            setssh              showsnmp
ping                setsunmc            showsnmpusm
poweroff            settelnet           showsnmpvacm
poweron             settimezone         showssh
prtfru              setupfru            showstatus
rebootxscf          setupplatform       showsunmc
replacefru          showaltitude        showtelnet
reset               showapcs            showtimezone
resetdateoffset     showarchiving       showuser
restoreconfig       showaudit           snapshot
restoredefaults     showautologout      switchscf
sendbreak           showboards          testsb
service             showcod             traceroute
setaltitude         showcodlicense      unlockmaintenance
setapcs             showcodusage        version
setarchiving        showconsolepath     viewaudit
setaudit            showdate            who
setautologout       showdcl             
setcod              showdevices         


applynetwork >reset XSCF to reflect information that has been set for the XSCF network

cfgdevice >connect the CD-RW/DVD-RW drive unit and the tape drive unit to the port, disconnect it from the port, or display the status of the drive
XSCF> cfgdevice -l
XSCF> cfgdevice -c attach -p 0-0
XSCF> cfgdevice -f -c detach -p 0-0 >Disconnects the DVD drive/tape drive unit from the port 0-0.

XSCF> cfgdevice -y -c attach -p 0-0 >Connects the DVD drive/tape drive unit to port 0-0 when the system is being powered on. Automatically answers “y” to all prompts.
XSCF> cfgdevice -q -y -c attach -p 0-0 >answer ‘y’ to all prompts without displaying message

dumpconfig/restoreconfig >>save/restore XSCF configuration
XSCF> dumpconfig file:///media/usb_msd/backup-file.txt
XSCF> dumpconfig ftp://server/backup/backup-sca-ff2-16.txt
XSCF> restoreconfig file:///media/usb_msd/backup-file.txt

fmadm faulty >>
fmdump >view fault management logs
XSCF> fmdump
Sep 29 15:09:25.4335 8cec9a83-e2a3-4dc3-a7cd-de01caef5c63 FMD-8000-4M
Sep 29 15:10:09.6151 5f88d7d5-a107-4435-99c9-7c59479d22ed FMD-8000-58

[Display Very Verbose Event Detail for the Last UUID:
XSCF> fmdump -e -V -u 5f88d7d5-a107-4435-99c9-7c5947 9d22ed

XSCF> fmdump -m -M >>Displaying Contents of the Fault Manager syslog Message

flashupdate >update firmware
getflashimage >download a firmware image file
XSCF> getflashimagehttp://imageserver/images/FFXCP1041.tar.gz
XSCF> getflashimage ftp://imageserver/images/FFXCP1041.tar.gz

moveboard >move XSB from current domain to another
XSCF> prtfru -c system-board

rebootxscf >reset the XSCF

replacefru >

reset >reset the specific domain; use this command only for the purpose of recovery, such as if OS hang
senddbreak >send a break signal to the specified domain
XSCF> sendbreak -d 0
setdate -u -s 012707592006.00 >>Sets “January 27 07:59:00 2006″ of UTC as the current time

XSCF> setssh -c enable

XSCF> setprivileges aziz filedeng

showdevice -d 0

showboards >check the XSB number, domain ID, LSB number, XSB status
XSCF>showboards -a

showdcl >check domain ID, LSB number, configuration policy
XSCF>showdcl -va

showdomainstatus -a >check the power status of the system
showenvironment >display the intake air temperature and humidity, temperature sensor information, voltage sensor
showfru >display the hardware settings of specified device
showhardconf >display information about field replaceable unit (FRU)
showlogs >display the specific log
XSCF>showlogs event
XSCF>showlogs error -v
XSCF>showlogs power
XSCF>showlogs monitor
XSCF>showlogs console